But I believe the great majority of the city's policemen and women resent improper and abusive conduct.
Rudeness, previously part of general "abusive conduct," got its own category last year in the complaints department.
Then although the lists are seldom closed, certain categories of abusive conduct are usually prohibited under the country's legislation.
What we are looking at specifically is what we define as abusive conduct.
The judge accused Ford of "wrongful and abusive conduct" during pretrial proceedings.
There is a difference between a cabdriver's rudeness and abusive conduct, which is never acceptable.
The deal heads off a threatened civil rights lawsuit over what the Justice Department calls a systemic pattern of abusive conduct by officers.
Certain categories of abusive conduct are usually prohibited by a country's legislation.
He researched the history of the detective and found much to support claims of abusive conduct.
"It's important that any abusive conduct be reported and that we have open channels of communication at a time like this."