Instead, it came out swinging, refusing to cut a deal and accusing prosecutors of high-handed, abusive tactics.
There is nothing that would prevent these retailers (or others) from using the same abusive tactics again.
Readers are instructed to be able to determine how to notice if a church is manipulating the Scriptures or using abusive tactics.
Senator Proxmire, for one, has spoken out against the abusive tactics used by bidders in some takeovers.
Lesser remedies like orders to monopoly companies to cease abusive tactics have proved difficult to police, he said.
The aim of such abusive tactics was to shame the President and arouse public opinion against him in the hope of driving him from office.
Nor should any citizen be subjected to the abusive tactics used against the President by Kenneth Starr.
The stories of his so-called abusive tactics are, practically legend.
The resulting government repression included abusive tactics, torture, mass arrests, and a number of massacres.