Participated in different academic assignments related to cinema at various international forums.
Mike not only has to balance work with his academic assignments, he has to manage his personal relationships as well.
There are 30 computers in the room equipped with programs to support reading, creative writing, math, science, geography and other academic assignments.
There is strong emphasis on working with industry and it is mandatory for students in Business Administration to complete academic assignments within a Swedish host company.
After completing his advanced studies on military sciences, Karamat was sent to hold academic assignments rather than holding combat assignments.
Its findings, published in 1979, showed a "significant and apparently increasing amount of cheating by students in academic assignments."
Rebuilding some kind of career beyond freelance academic assignments.
Pirotta's first academic assignment was at Viterbo.
Once recognized as a poet, she took academic assignments, lecturing, leading poetry workshops and judging poetry.
For decades Jackson has required his students at Columbia to explore the city on foot and even to write walking tours as academic assignments.