But statistically, they gained no academic benefit by changing schools.
There is strong research evidence supporting the academic benefits of clustering gifted students in a single classroom.
"Retained students have shown no academic benefits and have been harmed."
There isn't enough test data yet to suggest that the move has academic benefits, but teachers and students alike have good things to say so far.
And beyond that, they say, research shows that such programs have no academic benefit.
These academic benefits come in addition to language revitalization and an increased realization of cultural pride.
However, there is no research showing an academic benefit to low track students from such interaction.
Yet there is substantial evidence that school use of the native language not only has positive academic benefits but also lowers dropout rates.
Concentrate on the academic benefit, not the chance that he might get to do a little bit of flying.
Besides the academic benefits, the college also offers its members accommodation.