It's hard for some of the academic feminists to understand how emotional conflict about independence could continue decade after decade.
Pollock's claim that Blood Relations does have a feminist message, though, has been echoed by some academic feminists.
Author and reviewer, both academic feminists, stood on opposite sides of a philosophic divide.
This position makes for strange bedfellows, uniting tenured academic feminists with sassy 20-something "Riot Grrls."
You bet I want equality for women, but I despair to see academic feminists waste time defining such crimes as 'benevolent sexism'
Furthermore, from the 1980s onwards academic feminists strongly embraced post-structuralism, and in doing so subjugated scientific study even further to ideology.
The disconnect between most women and the word "Feminist" should indicate to academic feminists that there is something flawed in their approach.
The academic feminists think their nerdy bookworm husbands are the ideal model of human manhood.