It is not by looking at academic merits alone that we have a football team with a 9-2 record, going to a bowl.
You typically get them based on financial need or academic merit.
House Points can also be won for academic merit and good behaviour at the discretion of the teaching staff.
Candidates should gain admission to university on academic merit and nothing else.
In addition, the university offers scholarships based on academic merit and financial need for local Korean students.
However, only 200-300 students are selected based on academic merit and quota as per the education policy.
The Government is ok with the idea of university admissions being decided by factors other than academic merit.
The maximum grant of $2,400 is based on need and college cost, not academic merit.
A decade ago, only 12 percent of state grants were for academic merit, not need.
A campus where all of the inmates would have won their place through academic merit just as in the world outside.