They require careful guidance and training by senior academic physicians to reach their full potential.
Through this collaboration, several academic physicians have been attracted to the city, which has led to an emerging academic medical community.
But the tremendous pressure on university doctors to conduct research despite a scarcity of funds makes academic physicians easy prey to industry manipulation.
Editor,- Richard Smith has drawn attention to the concern expressed by academic physicians over the process of accreditation.
Unfortunately, research has shown that conflicts of interests are very common among both academic physicians and physicians in practice.
He trained many scientists and academic physicians who now are professors and department chairmen throughout this country and overseas.
This didn't square with my impression of her as an academic physician, but maybe it fit with her obsessive-compulsive tendencies.
But if you look at them today, academic physicians are the most uninvolved group.
Ralph Winterton (1600-1636) was an English physician, academic and humanist.
Graduates of his training programs were highly coveted as academic physicians.