Between 1860 and 1880, many academic reforms were instituted, similar to those occurring at other universities around the world.
Major academic reforms have already been initiated in the areas of curricula, programs, and structure.
In the 1960s the university played a leading role in the country's student movement, which sparked major nationwide academic and political reforms.
Those of us committed to academic reform can only hope that the proactive involvement of university presidents continues at a fast pace.
But Henry was caught in the crossfire of academic reform.
The show ends in 1863, when the Government made extensive academic reforms.
It has been the subject of academic reforms and political decrees.
His Success for All educational model has been highly influential in American academic reform since its inception in 1987.
But that pattern did not hold true for men's basketball, which has been one of the lightning rods for academic reform.
The next big thing in academic reform here is going to be the incentives-disincentives package, whether you put some teeth into the new rules.