"I have to try and get myself open more and play more defense," said the 6-foot-2-inch senior guard, whose academic shortcomings will likely land him at a junior college.
Among the district's academic shortcomings, the report found outdated curriculum guides used in elementary schools, including a 10-year-old language arts guide and an 11-year-old mathematics guide.
Some less fortunate schools have had to cancel seasons when injuries and academic shortcomings reduced their rosters below the number necessary to field a team.
Last year, the university's football program lost nine scholarships because of its athletes' academic shortcomings, the most of any Division I-A program.
According to the ABA, in 2007-2008 the school admitted only 11.8% of applicants and no students left as a result of "academic" shortcomings.
The reasons for the low turnout range from financial restraints to academic shortcomings to disciplinary problems.
From 1934-1935 he attended the university, but he had to return to the University of Nebraska for financial and academic shortcomings.
He reviews Ishaan's work and concludes that his academic shortcomings are indicative of dyslexia.
All have been placed on the state's list of schools under review for persistent academic shortcomings, which, if not corrected within a few years, could lead to their closure.
Many licensing organizations charged with maintaining professional standards contend that some claims of disability are made as a cover for academic shortcomings.