His main academic specializations are in public international law, human rights law, environmental law and international criminal law.
Other areas of academic specialization include the:
His academic specializations include securities regulation, corporation and information technology and law.
The study of language, literature, and history was also substantially influenced by the general process of higher academic specialization which took place during the same period.
The revised program will train students in multidisciplinary career tracks, rather than academic specializations.
His fields of academic specialization are 18th-century Russia, Russian diplomatic history and 18th-century Europe.
After the first year, students are expected to choose a série, an academic specialization similar to a "major" at an American university.
This deficit is only explicable with reference to academic specialization and language barriers".
Toby's academic specialization focuses on issues having to do with pre- and early-modern Japan.
His primary areas of academic specialization were the Middle East and International Relations.