This is a double entendre, referring both to the school's date of founding and its academic stature.
Starting in 2004, the school's increasing academic stature combined with citywide demographic changes attributable to gentrification and policy change radically changed the student demographic at Balboa.
The Betas, however, weathered the period well and continued to dominate intramurals while maintaining a high academic stature.
Academics Elevated At the same time, the university has elevated its academic stature.
Lost in the debate over The Review, many here say, are Mr. Freedman's measures to raise Dartmouth's academic stature.
"So what we have to do now is enhance the university's academic stature and increase its selectivity."
There is a precedent that precedes them in terms of academic stature.
Bharucha's primary legacy at Tufts is raising its academic stature.
His academic stature firmed with the publication of Aranda Traditions (1947).
Perhaps the parents chose to have coffee instead because this class lacks academic stature.