"The academy made us think about that in a way that we hadn't done before," he said.
The design has become a focus for discussions on the contributions the academy could make to the South Bronx.
Dr. Sanders said the academy had made a profit of no more than $500,000 on the purchase.
In 2006, the academy made her an honorary Fellow.
He said last year that the academy had made a profit of no more than $500,000 from the initial book purchase by Ross.
Making all schools academies won't make them all excellent.
The remedy is a caipirinha or two, and not surprisingly, the academy makes some of the very best.
But the academy, as is its policy, did not make the names public, a silence that only accelerated the guessing game.
But this much is certain: the academy is making progress.
It was what the military academy had made out of him.