The academy urged that children be taught never to swim alone or without adult supervision.
The academy urged him to wait to compete in Varna.
The academy urged Mr. Bush to seek alternatives to coal, oil and other fuels whose air pollutants are a main cause of the predicted global warming.
The academy has urged 30 American scholars in China under its sponsorship to come home.
For one thing, the academy has urged that social engagements be curtailed during Oscar season.
Nor has the Administration pushed development of alternative energy sources, as the academy urged.
The academy urged a tougher standard to protect public health.
To improve such care, the academy urged doctors to periodically review all drugs taken by elderly patients.
Recognizing that pediatricians can do just so much in their practices, the academy is urging members to become advocates for change locally and nationally.
The academy urges women to breast-feed exclusively for six months and to continue until the child turns 1.