The advent of DNA sequencing has significantly accelerated biological research and discovery.
There are two developments that may accelerate research in the near future.
In order to accelerate research, development, and demonstration former President Bush announced plans to appropriate $1.2 billion.
This motivated Lotus to accelerate research and create the Lotus 78.
I use it to avoid waste, accelerate research and development and make this station the most effective military unit of its kind.
The free flow of information, in particular, can accelerate research, and the development of vaccines, saving lives.
The plan will share precious knowledge and accelerate medical research.
A kidney-on-a-chip device has the potential to accelerate research encompassing artificial replacement for lost kidney function.
This RFI is directed toward determining how best to accelerate research in single cell analysis.
I am convinced that the European Union is aware of the stakes and the need to accelerate research into renewable and non-polluting energy.