The accent in recessively accented words naturally falls back toward the beginning of the word.
In compounds where the second word is a verb, the accent falls on the first syllable of the verbal component.
The acute accent fell out of favor by the 19th century.
The tonic accent normally falls on the last item, but this does not tell us where the given element ends and the new one begins.
The vampire's Scottish accent fell thick through the dark night.
Her low, musical accents fell like a silver chime on the air.
The accent preferably falls upon a tense vowel within a closed syllable.
In a bisyllabic word the accent can fall on either syllable.
What's striking about Ayckbourn's involvement in the Festival is that the accent will fall mainly on his work for young people.
As with the opening section, the accent always falls on the first note of each group of four semi-quavers.