Huston attempted to prove this by showing participants photos of people who had already indicated that they would accept the participant as a partner.
This is the case across a range of local government services, including housing, where the voluntary sector is becoming accepted as a 'partner'.
No one who is responsible for massacring his fellow citizens will be accepted as a partner in the effort to bring peace to Northern Ireland.
Good; at least she accepted him as a partner.
Some families are open to taking on new partners, but only if all members of the family agree to accept the new person as a partner.
He fulfilled his promises, effectively accepting the Popular Front as a partner in running the republic.
An ethnographer cameraman will be accepted as a natural partner by the actors who play their roles.
If we do not accept him as a partner in dialogue, then there can be no peace and no dialogue.
We should finally accept this small country as a genuine European partner.
The triadic orientation accepts the government as a partner in conquering evil.