They forage on agricultural crops and other human foods, and even accept handouts.
In recent months, she's been accepting handouts from friends and family and relying on her church pantry to provide many of her family's meals.
He only likes certain kinds of things, and he doesn't accept handouts from any old stranger.
And its members, proud and stoic, are reluctant to accept handouts.
The sons and daughters of early recipients tell of the embarrassment of a desperate but independently inclined people at accepting handouts.
Young people were told not to accept handouts from the Arts Council but to help themselves.
They readily accept handouts from humans, and a number of unusual items have been recorded in their diet.
Everyone knew she had a giant chip on her shoulder about accepting handouts.
It returned several times to accept handouts of tuna, but hissed when the hikers got too close.
They ran behind on mortgage payments and had to accept handouts of food.