The journal accepts material from all international law students at the university; students also prepare each issue for publication, supervised by Ukrainian legal scholars.
You should check with the waste site in advance to make sure they can accept material containing invasive plants.
But some public works officials say that many scrap dealers accept material with no concern for whether it appears to be stolen.
Most publishers of scientific journals accept material that has previously been presented at a conference or in the form of a preprint.
But the studio didn't accept unsolicited material and returned it unread.
We will not accept material that contains profanity or language that is provocative or inflammatory.
My fans and the Canibus brotherhood have become too advanced to accept exceptionally mediocre material.
He used his position to walk out with objects, or sometimes he accepted donated material that he kept for himself.
No country can be forced to accept such sensitive material.
British officials told their American counterparts that London considered the operation important enough to make an exception to its regulations against accepting foreign nuclear material.