Over time, Auschwitz had to almost stop accepting new prisoners and most were directed to Mauthausen instead.
Most of the houses, run by private organizatons, have been accepting prisoners since 1984.
Due to the residential units at Buckley Hall being on a 1:15 incline, the prison is unable to accept prisoners with mobility or heart problems.
The new coalition of the willing may be those willing to accept prisoners from Guantánamo.
The Secretary General has urged that those found guilty serve their sentences outside the former Yugoslavia and has asked countries to accept such prisoners.
The prison accepts young offenders and adult male prisoners who are both sentenced and remanded by the courts.
Garth does not accept vulnerable prisoners.
The Chair takes it that your oratory means that the group you represent agrees to accept prisoners as before.
Absorption Company - accepts new prisoners and sometimes temporarily holds them before they can be transferred to a permanent company.
He said officials would not know until midday Thursday, when the next inmate count is taken, when the system would be able begin accepting prisoners again.