Restaurants, even those in Intourist hotels, accept rubles.
But if someone does not want to accept rubles, it cannot be allowed.
In addition, many of the new cooperative restaurants accept credit cards in addition to rubles; check with your hotel.
Because of the hemorrhaging money supply, taxi drivers who six months ago accepted rubles from tourists now demand Marlboros or dollars.
To avoid having to accept rubles for their goods and services, a foreign company may trade products or use other currencies.
State food stores accept only coupons, while hotels and restaurants accept only rubles.
Some still accept rubles, a tremendous bargain at the current tourist rate of 27 rubles to $1.
It accepted only Russian rubles, not hard currency, and in the early days, the line to enter the restaurant could be several hours long.
Merchants are forbidden by law from accepting either rubles or hard currency.
Unlike other foreign investments, the restaurant accepts rubles, not dollars, and is extremely popular, with waiting lines of several hours common in its early days.