We also show that the IFNg-dependent MHCII expression in LS1034 cell line can be rescued by clinically acceptable concentrations of Bryostatin 1.
It dictated the acceptable concentration of toxicants such as dieldrin in marine waters and the manner in which these levels must be tested and tried.
Whatever the mechanism, it appears possible to restore the IFNg-dependent MHCII expression in LS1034 cell line by clinically acceptable concentrations of Bryostatin 1.
These PAHs are known human carcinogens and the acceptable concentrations of them in soil are typically around 1 mg/kg.
Persuaded the Illinois Pollution Control Board to adopta stringent new rule limiting the acceptable concentration of phosphorus in wastewater from most new or expanding city waste-water and industrial plants.
An occupational exposure limit is an upper limit on the acceptable concentration of a hazardous substance in workplace air for a particular material or class of materials.
Once the E.P.A. set such a rule for a particular pollutant, it required states to provide State Implementation Plans to show how they would attain acceptable concentrations of that pollutant.
Regulatory guidelines give two acceptable concentrations of pollutants to protect against effects: chronic or acute.
The second question referred to whether or not a proposal was about to be put forward by the Commission limiting the acceptable future concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere to a ceiling of 550 parts per million.
In each Member State, different definitions apply for the limits of hazardous substances and the maximum acceptable concentrations.