In all cultures, consensual sexual intercourse is acceptable within marriage.
Clinton considered these reservations to be acceptable within the Parameters, which left room for negotiations on many issues.
What he must do here is acceptable within Starfleet.
"Folks have drawn a line in the sand this time about what is and is not acceptable within the online journal community," she said.
Not even legal termination was now acceptable within the civilized Cluster.
The most efficient way to keep value in gifting would be to give cash, however this is socially acceptable only within limits.
It's just that some are socially acceptable and available within the law, others are most definitely not.
This is not acceptable within a European community based on the rule of law.
Although your volunteer work may be acceptable within the ethical system of private schools, it's fair to question that system.
Such body language is public conduct entirely acceptable within the code of sports, even on television, but still often suspect outside that arena.