Working memory, files, and databases were all accessed in a uniform way by an abstraction of the notion of address.
The problem is that is designed on the assumption that the page is only accessed in a non-malicious way.
If you're looking for patterns, you're not going to find it without information that can be accessed in a flexible way.
"We have lots of information, but the question is how to access it in a timely way," said Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly.
On the right hand side of the car is the "fast" and "slow" AC charging point, accessed in a similar way to the DC charge point.
And so the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet, an API was created to allow this to be done, to be accessed in a standard way.
Data is accessed not in Object Oriented fashion but in a relational way.
This model represents the managed environment through which management data from any source can be accessed in a common way.
With decision support programs, "for once, the user can access the data structure in a way that makes sense to them," he said.
Service Data Objects is a technology that allows heterogeneous data to be accessed in a uniform way.