F1000Posters is an open access repository for posters and slide presentations in biology and medicine.
The editors of such a journal locate suitable material from open access repositories and public domain sources, read it, and evaluate its worth.
DSpace is an open source repository software package typically used for creating open access repositories for scholarly and/or published digital content.
Experimenting on alternatives to peer review in the context of open access repositories, based on the meta-models for research work developed.
It is an open access repository and it accepts books, journal articles, patents, conference articles, and theses.
The benefits of an open access digital repository like Aquatic Commons for their participating institutions and end-users are well-known and include the following most important ones:
This was an endeavour to support the establishment of a number of open access institutional repositories based in UK universities.
It also provides a means of exporting information to a national open access repository, RIAN, as well as other subject-specific portals.
In her briefing paper on open access repositories, advocate Alma Swan lists the following as the benefits that repositories bring to institutions:
There is a mashup indicating the worldwide locations of open access digital repositories.