Information from should be accessible via screen readers and other accessibility tools with the exception of some pre-2001 information.
You can read about and search for accessibility tools on the W3C website - Opens in a new window.
This summer, we are also expecting to roll out an additional suite of accessibility tools which we hope will make your experience on the site even better.
Explore all settings' (Fig 3) allows you to configure and turn on the different accessibility tools so that they start automatically when you log in.
To get the plug-in and latest news about Adobe's accessibility tools and services, visit the Access Adobe site.
At this time, all HHS information should be accessible via screen readers and other accessibility tools with the exception of some pre-2001 information.
DCMP service to students who are blind or visually impaired involves another essential accessibility tool: audio description.
We believe that you should find it even easier than before to navigate the site using accessibility tools such as screen readers and to enlarge the type on our pages.
Semantic meaning, derived from the underlying structure of the HTML document, is important for search engines and also for various accessibility tools.
Adobe also offers Accessibility Tools for PDF Documents.