Some, finding a silver lining in hard times, are considering public service, the Peace Corps, teaching or other more accessible alternatives that are personally gratifying.
Viewed as an innovator in the drum and bass style, Bukem is known for developing an accessible alternative to that hardcore genre's speedy, assaultive energies.
Approval will provide an accessible alternative to surgical abortions and will be welcomed by all those who fear anti-abortion protesters.
Heinrich cast doubt on the effectiveness of hornet secretions, saying that flat cola or beer might be a better and more accessible alternative.
An accessible alternative is defined as one that meets the information, educational and entertainment objectives of the original content.
The corporate footprint of Lisle continues to expand as large companies seek an easily accessible, highly visible alternative to Chicago.
Andy's was known as the accessible alternative to its popular neighbor, Rao's.
These problems with accessibility in the webinar products and services do not preclude our use of them, as long as we provide an accessible alternative.
All this makes trance a populist, accessible alternative to the experimental abstraction of hip rave styles like techno and drum-and-bass.
The middle 40 percent of the software will require minor to medium modifications as accessible alternatives may not exist.