It is also the first significant accessible building designed by a disabled person.
Free Internet access is available, including wireless internet at all locations, accessible anywhere within the library buildings.
Although there were standing ruins on the site, archaeological excavations have increased the number of accessible ancient buildings.
Although all cities feature the same basic layout, the number of accessible buildings varies from one city to another.
About $215 million of the new money will go toward deferred maintenance and making some of the older buildings accessible to the handicapped.
It is a single-storey accessible building with a ticket office, waiting room, public 'phone, restaurant and toilets.
Additionally, the Coronado is now a fully handicapped accessible building.
Its central location with converging avenues made the building readily accessible from all sides.
The building thus accessible was a series of rectangular terraces on our left facing westward.
The entries must also focus on making the building safe, accessible, and efficient for the people who work there and the thousands who visit it.