What I've gotten in from checking legally accessible records is rather strange.
With an elevated budget, slick production and less complicated arrangements, the album was to be their most accessible record to date.
Monster Movie was Can's attempt at a more accessible record.
All accessible records of surface geology begin with the last global magma flood.
The global data structure, the Chart, would provide an easily accessible record of what exactly was going on between the different components.
Now they are helping to compile an accessible record of their sacred knowledge before it dies out altogether.
The case was ongoing as of early 2012; there is no accessible record of it having ultimately been decided.
According to surveys, the population of Epperstone has fluctuated since 1801, when the first accessible records were made, with the figures being as follows.
There is no accessible record of the first teacher, but Martha Forth was the second; she taught in 1941-1943.
There was no readily accessible record for any of the trades made after twelve noon.