The dance is one of Miss Graham's most accessible and familiar works.
It has produced dozens of extremely accessible and even harmonious and tuneful works in the traditional sense.
The novel is considered one of Borislav Pekić's more accessible works.
When producing audio books, or certain other accessible works, an additional copy is created, and copyright can be a problem in this situation.
These are democratic works, universally accessible as formal propositions, and unlike anything else (Kimmelman).
More recently, anthologies have appeared on the internet, making a collection of works easily accessible.
However, this jazz-inspired period was relatively brief, as his style evolved toward the goal of writing more accessible works using folk sources.
One of Sacher's primary concerns as a conductor was to make the new works accessible and understandable for his audience.
This is one of Simpson's most accessible works.
It is one of his best-known, most popular and most accessible works.