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It and all accessory buildings date to the early 19th century and are mostly intact, save for a few modifications.
One of his first duties was to lay out the County's courthouse complex, which included the courthouse, jail, stocks, gallows and accessory buildings.
Old churches and their accessory buildings are not easy to convert into houses.
The dwellings and accessory buildings were also made with reinforced concrete.
Woodstock now allows artists to conduct their work in an accessory building, previously prohibited under the old code.
Campbell built a store on the property in 1780, along with a complex of accessory buildings, before building the main house.
The complex opened in April, 1990, and it consists of three towers and several accessory buildings.
But the building code limits the height of accessory buildings to 18 feet.
But the town is holding firmly to the view that the heron is an accessory building in need of a building department permit.
Each had four surface launch pads, semi-underground hangars to store the missiles and several accessory buildings.