In 2007 research at the Technical University Munich showed that ordinary vehicles in background noise are often detected too late for safe accident avoidance.
All the same, every driver knows those moments of panic, and accident avoidance is the tape's long suit.
"We've got to tell people that Subaru is the all-wheel-drive company, and we've got to give that meaning in terms of where it lets you go and accident avoidance."
There are four parts to the mega-challenge: in the first part to this challenge, the drivers must start with a peel-out into an abbreviated Eye of the Needle course, before proceeding to an accident avoidance portion.
These simulators are used to prepare operators for proper equipment use and accident avoidance.
Asked to list the most important qualities to be considered in purchasing a new car, respondents placed fuel economy fourth on the list (after reliability, all round vision, and accident avoidance), and air pollution control sixth.
The advantage of electronic speed control over its mechanical predecessor, which was featured on luxury models but never gained wide acceptance, was that it could be easily integrated with electronic accident avoidance and engine management systems.
Mr. Ockel said Mercedes saw the greatest potential for reducing pedestrian injury in active safety systems that promote accident avoidance.
The idea of accident avoidance is the foundation of active automotive safety.
From that standpoint additional measures must be adopted immediately at European Union level, mainly aimed at accident avoidance.