One day, a truck accidentally backs into the fence and brings down several of the rails.
On her way out, Alex accidentally backs over Dorian with her car.
A study of the problem of vehicles accidentally backing over children in driveways.
One of them accidentally backed into the arm of an old chest machine.
She obliviously backs her car over a little boy and accidentally gives an old woman a sponge bath with urine.
Just as the column began to move, a schoolgirl, pushing a baby in a pram, accidentally backed into a police horse.
You know, my husband passed on two years ago, and then my cat died when I accidentally backed the car over him.
On his usual hunt one day, he accidentally backed into combat with a higher-level monster.
I dented the car when I accidentally backed into a telephone pole.
He didn't realise the car was in reverse, and accidentally backed into the wall.