His melody for a science-fiction movie welcoming aliens is accidentally broadcast on the radio, and the Martians invade kitchens, bedrooms and game shows.
Joe Peyronnin, executive vice president of Telemundo News, said a technician accidentally broadcast the video.
This was accidentally broadcast on Studio B with Shepard Smith.
On 27 December, Channel 4 accidentally broadcast the first half of the late-night E4 show, containing adult language and content, pre-watershed on T4.
Their play is accidentally broadcast, which deprives invading Martians of the element of surprise and leads to their defeat by the townspeople.
The presenters apologised when they learned that this had been accidentally broadcast.
Daily Mail reporter Pat Murphy was the original presenter, who only lasted one episode after accidentally broadcasting a technical mishap.
The take-over was explained away as the result of a technical mix-up, with Keith supposedly recording a two-hour special which was accidentally broadcast live.
On two occasions the show has accidentally broadcast profanities during the PG-rated live show.