Jim - Alice's mischievous younger brother who accidentally flew away in a bunch of balloons while he was making a balloon rainbow across the sky.
The hockey stick accidentally flew out of her hand and into the poor girl's face.
During the air chase sequences, Stockdale accidentally flew into a series of low hanging but nearly invisible electrical wires.
In yet another, it made him lose fine control of his powers, causing him to do things such as accidentally fly through the sidewalk when landing.
It slipped out of my hand when I was reaching for my drink, and accidentally flew through the air and hit Aaron in the eye.
"Grandma caught her sleeve on the lid, and the lid accidentally flew open."
During the operation, an aircraft accidentally flew through an atomic cloud.
Superman accidentally flew over this creature and was completely drained of power, leaving him unconscious and powerless.
One morning while flying towards the front lines Draper accidentally flew under a bridge while in full view of a large body of troops.
In the summer of 1973, Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 accidentally flew over the Sinai.