A propane torch he had brought inside was lit accidentally, Arredondo said.
As a tree dries out it can be accidentally lit on fire putting the home at risk.
Eventually Peach's bomb is accidentally lit from the Reznors, blowing up the tower and sending all the good guys flying back over to the other side of the moat.
The body of one of the victims was accidentally lit as well.
The Frankensteins' neighbors, now an angry mob, arrive on the scene, and while using a cigarette lighter to try to see in, the windmill is accidentally lit on fire.
Everything had gone well until the unfortunate incident where a woman accidentally lit upon one of their hide-outs and was killed by his disciple, Torgeir Langaas.
The fire was accidentally lit by three teenaged boys, and now they and some other children must band together to save themselves.
It is also claimed that the Yanar Dag flame was only noted when accidentally lit by a shepherd in the 1950s.