Children are particularly at risk, as they can accidentally pull a pot off the stove onto themselves.
At last, in one of his awkward maneuvers, he accidentally pulled the trigger.
However, she then changes her mind but the trigger is accidentally pulled, killing Rajan.
The 14-year-old boy was playing with a .38-caliber gun when he accidentally pulled the trigger, the police said.
He tries to take the gun away and Marcus accidentally pulls the trigger.
What probably happened was that one man got nervous and accidentally pulled the trigger on his musket.
After Henry accidentally pulls on his broken leg, they invite him to their wedding.
Rembrandt Brown happened to be traveling in the area and was accidentally pulled into the vortex.
In response to Stayman, she had accidentally pulled the wrong card from the bidding box and was not aware of it.
He had expected to get a bigger dog, who could support his weight, and Rainbow accidentally pulled him over when he was walking with her.