Pham's dive turned into an apparently uncontrolled spin, one that just accidentally slammed his shoulder into Vinh's gut and smashed the younger man into the wall.
Practicing "Shuffle Off to Buffalo," Brock accidentally slammed the heel of his right shoe onto his left ankle.
The American officer leaped into the ditch near Philip, one of his boots accidentally slamming Lucas Cowper's right leg.
After a satisfying day aboard Steven's sailboat, he accidentally slams her hand in a car door, then sends Jean, alone, to the hospital.
After accidentally slamming it into concrete walls, landing too hard, or even getting attacked by a cat who was tired of being buzzed, the drone was fine.
A van shows up in the middle of the ramp and the player accidentally slams into the van.
He tried to kick himself free and accidentally slammed a boot against the control column.
When he pushes him near the prison bars, he tells a prison guard that he was beaten up (and accidentally slamming the guard's head on the bars).
At the 1991 Survivor Series Jannetty caused Michaels to be eliminated by accidentally slamming one of the Nasty Boys into him after which the Rockers argued.
My sister had her finger broken when my brother accidentally slammed his bedroom door on it during an argument.