The platform was designed to be manually rotated by hidden stagehands, who were more than once accidentally trod upon by the actors.
Indeed, when Quick followed after an interval he found him only half-way down, and had to hurry his movements by accidentally treading on his fingers.
While doing so, he accidentally treads in some of it - and, with raised eyebrows, lifts his foot to show the cameras.
He sprang toward her, then heard a welcome, healthy oath as he accidentally trod on her outstretched foot.
In fact when he accidentally trod on this fish he was stung.
I wouldn't want to accidentally tread on you.
I accidentally trod on your sandal, sergeant.
'Granted before asked, missie,' he added graciously, as a girl accidentally trod on his foot.
I've heard of twelve people in a line walking over a death adder and the twelfth person accidentally trod on it and got bitten.
Grey was wounded by accidentally treading on a sword, and the first line of defence was taken.