Doinas are often played with a slow, free rhythm melody against a fast accompaniment pattern in fixed tempo, giving an overall feeling of rhythmic tension.
Sure enough, no matter how much body she brought to the restless accompaniment patterns, the clear sound was so distinct that it never covered her voice.
See also arpeggio in this list, which as an accompaniment pattern may be seen as a kind of broken chord; see Alberti bass.
The comparison of the function of banjo rolls with that of bones within an ensemble suggests that stereotypically a subdivided accompaniment pattern is played on the bones.
Except for the lead (or solo) djembe, all instruments play a recurring rhythmic figure that is known as an accompaniment pattern or accompaniment part.
The Motive 3 pattern and the proceeding melody that occurs after is very idiomatic to the fiddle while the accompaniment pattern continues to be similar to the harmonica.
Many chromatic scale-like runs and jump-bass accompaniment patterns in the left hand make this piece tricky to master.
A quick, jumpy, straight 3/4 melody with usual accompaniment patterns that is often conducted "in 1" rather than "in 3".
Mr. Heggie tries to create tension and complexity by supporting the vocal writing with gurgling, animated, harmonically plaintive accompaniment patterns.
For 3rd example above, the clave pattern is based on a common accompaniment pattern played by the guitarist.