If suicidal impulses are your demons, they will probably accompany you to the place of salvation.
If they agree they will advise him of the customs to ask the bride's family and then accompany him to the place she lives.
She, as well as citizen St. Just, will accompany our expedition to the place where you will lead us.
The funeral, the procession accompanying the body to the place of burial, and the burial, are referred to by the word levayah, meaning "escorting."
He had only been back an hour or two; he had accompanied his wife to the place of her confinement, or else at least to the first relay.
By such doctrine Moses persuaded a large body of right-minded persons to accompany him to the place where Jerusalem now stands. . . .
If Kalema is treating an elephant, she must wake at first light and get the rangers to accompany her to the place where the elephants were seen the night before.
"I will accompany you to the place, if you desire it, madam," said the young man.
You will accompany me to the place of my execution; and when I am dead, take and bury me by the side of your mother.
The stranger asked Dafydd where he had cut the stick, and ended up accompanying him back to Wales to the place where the stick had been cut.