But what he looks for in an accomplished extreme skier is not necessarily what other judges might think of as a winning run.
This sport will keep accomplished skiers and snowboarders on their toes - literally.
Quite an accomplished skier, the president loved tackling a new chute each day on his way back to the house.
Neither of the 60-minute tapes covers new ground, but they offer solid instruction and demonstration by two accomplished skiers.
He was also an accomplished skier and while in high school won the Maine state slalom championship.
At a young age, she became an accomplished skier, pianist and dancer.
He became an accomplished skier and a highly proficient skater.
Eva was three years older than Nansen, and despite the evidence of this first meeting, was an accomplished skier.
It was on the right side of the hill, covered with enough excess snow and pine needles to halt even the most accomplished skier.
At least go out with an accomplished skier who you have confidence in for your first day.