His account, entitled "Das veraenderte Russland", appeared in three volumes in 1721, 1739 and 1740.
The view was taken that 'owners who lose development value as a result of the passing of the bill are not on that account entitled to compensation'.
He was later to publish an account of his experiences, entitled African Memoranda in 1805, which contained his thoughts, which were anti-slavery in nature.
In the first report of the society he wrote an account entitled "Directions for preserving subjects in natural history".
I read from the first page an account entitled "Myself.
Much later he began work on an entirely refashioned account, entitled "Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin."
A fictional account of the murder, entitled The Keeper's Dare, is based on the actual events that took place.
Steven Spielberg released a second movie based on the account in December 2005 entitled Munich.
Returning home in August 1866, an account of this expedition, entitled A Journey in Brazil, was published in 1868.
Southern Airways accounted for the $2 million by debiting it to an account entitled "Hijacking Payment."