In 2008, the logging industry employed 86,000 workers, and accounted for 93 deaths.
In Australia, drunk walking was estimated to account for about 140 deaths a year.
Since 1993, American jets have been involved in six accidents, two of them accounting for 171 deaths.
They accounted for nearly 12,000 deaths between 1992 and 2000.
More than four million animals have been destroyed in an effort to stamp out the disease, which has accounted for 40 deaths.
Heart disease is the nation's No. 1 killer, accounting for almost 500,000 deaths a year.
There were 20 last year, with four of them accounting for 239 deaths.
High nursing patient loads may account for 20,000 unnecessary deaths a year, the researchers suggest.
It had accounted for two deaths, why not a third?
Tuberculosis is a terrible disease that accounts for more deaths than any other single infection around the world.