Petroleum, produced over millions of years by natural changes in organic materials, accumulates beneath the earth's surface in extremely large quantities.
Minerva rolled the smooth chintz of the curtain between her fingers, and watched the snow and ice accumulate on the walk beneath her window.
They accumulated beneath the television until they threatened to be seen, at which point I smuggled them out of the house in my knapsack.
Sediment accumulating beneath this sea eventually would become the Crow's Nest of today.
Marine fossils that are found in the Silurian sedimentary rocks demonstrate that they accumulated beneath a prehistoric ocean.
Mildew can also indicate damage or faulty construction that is letting moisture accumulate behind or beneath the tile.
Paintings in his studio were subject to incessant revision, sometimes accumulating as many as 10 or 20 works beneath their surfaces.
Advocates of the wraparound register key say it improves sound, and it is harder for moisture to accumulate in the tube beneath the pad.
In areas with heavy snowfall and long periods without a thaw, snow can accumulate beneath a grid and allow animals to walk across.
Because it nests repeatedly in the same tree a considerable litter of skulls and bones accumulates beneath its nest.