People in both communities feared losing welfare benefits if they accumulated cash.
Most energy companies, meanwhile, have been accumulating cash.
The rest have begun a scramble for shelter under the few companies that were able to accumulate cash while the investment dollars were flowing.
But instead of investing, corporate America has been accumulating cash - big piles of it.
After accumulating enough cash to buy the plantation from Gilbert, he frees the slaves.
She would never be described as wealthy, but she had accumulated cash enough to afford a move, establish her small practice in another town.
Enron's venture in Connecticut seems to fit a pattern of transactions designed primarily to accumulate cash, investigators said.
But Russia is accumulating cash as a result of its petroleum income.
Yet all Dan wants is to eat deliciousness - and to accumulate enough cash to buy his wife an apartment with a toilet.
The reason, Dreyfus watchers say, is that the company has been accumulating cash for six months.