The gameplay is similar to Defense of the Ancients, wherein players battle in three lanes to accumulate experience and gold.
To accumulate gold, a country always had to sell more goods abroad than it bought.
All were precisely in the same condition as before they made themselves so ridiculous by their haste to toil, to enjoy, to accumulate gold, and to become wise.
Maybe for you it's to accumulate gold.
They accumulated dachas, gold and jewels for a rainy day, fearing that it still might arrive.
But why, the King demands to know, should not all the people learn how to accumulate gold and therefore become themselves rich and prosperous?
A team of New Zealand scientists has induced plants to accumulate gold in their tissues by growing them on ore.
This involvement in accumulating gold and silver (among other things) became important in the development of the nation-state.
Slowly he began to accumulate gold, and this became his one purpose in life.
Instead he had conceived what had seemed a much more modest plan, that of accumulating enough gold to perhaps buy a sizable farm in his own country.