In 1983, Bhindranwale and his militant followers headquartered themselves in the Golden Temple, the holiest shrine of the Sikhs, and started accumulating weapons.
But in the camp, he added ominously, some are accumulating weapons out of concern that they will have to stand up against the government.
They were accumulating weapons including guns, ammunition, landing ships, tanks, planes and even a cache of atomic weapons which were stored in Gulfport, Mississippi.
That was the reason given to the public when the issue was said to be Saddam Hussein's campaign to accumulate weapons of mass destruction.
The investigators say they tripped upon it while looking for something far more nefarious - evidence of a continuing nuclear program, or an active effort to accumulate more biological or chemical weapons.
Mr. Bush also hinted broadly that he had salted away money in the budget for a confrontation with Iraq and other countries accumulating weapons of mass destruction.
Similarly, right-wing groups had accumulated weapons and, by 1973, had begun to resist some of the unlawful and unauthorized expropriations of private property.
Players grow crops, accumulate resources, manufacture weapons, manage armies, build and lay siege to castles, and attempt to conquer their enemies.
Most of them left a road map of red flags, spending months plotting their attacks and accumulating weapons, talking openly of their plans for bloodshed.
Zawahiri's hope was to recruit military officers and accumulate weapons, waiting for the right moment to launch "a complete overthrow of the existing order."