Implicit in such findings is the fact that the accuracy of a fold change may also increase with a longer hybridization time.
As time passed, his accuracy increased to the extent that it seemed every ball landed in exactly the same place.
The force and accuracy of the team's weapons increase with the dancer's cardiovascular exertions.
As his kicking accuracy and general form increased he slowly became a cult hero to the fans.
Horizontal accuracy increases as distance between the aircraft and localizer decreases.
In urban areas with more stations, like Manhattan, accuracy could theoretically increase to about 500 feet.
The required accuracy of the ratio increases with the amount of time to be measured.
It has also been documented that if someone has a distinctive experience during a meaningful event, then accuracy for recall will increase.
Of course the accuracy will increase when the dataset increases.
This is, however, only an approximation whose accuracy increases with the size of the text.