Finally, in a world where the same violent killers are described as terrorists and freedom fighters, what is the most accurate definition of terrorism?
Perhaps during the blackout, Internet users can look elsewhere for an accurate definition of online piracy.
On one side of the coin he can tell u which day any date falls on, has a huge vocabulary with accurate definitions and spelling.
The Protestant Reformation brought about a more accurate definition of important Catholic articles of faith.
It has been proposed that a more accurate definition of the phenomenon is within the context of ideasthesia.
To the inhabitants themselves however, the term "Cypriot" did not serve as an accurate definition of their identity.
As a result, the signal was very broad, and accurate definition of the size and position of the source was not possible.
A wider and more accurate definition will communicate effectively the importance of plants, their cultivation and their use for sustainable human existence.
The most accurate definition of a swing voter is a person who swings between voting and not voting.
Finally, and this is an important point which Mr Lisi broached as well, we need to be given an accurate definition of a safe distance.