Most of them were silenced by accurate gunnery from the ships.
As the ship's accurate gunnery succeeded in sinking the Japanese sub, another fired a torpedo at her.
Helena's accurate gunnery was next sought by the Eighth Army, for whom she fired at 13 targets along the bombline in aid of advancing infantry.
The German armored cruisers were too slow to outrun their pursuers, and their initially accurate gunnery failed to inflict serious damage on the British battlecruisers.
The F-84 was a stable gun platform and the computing gunsight aided in accurate gunnery and bombing.
Boelcke focused on developing his own counter methods: flying in tight formations, accurate gunnery in combat and remaining within his own German lines.
This could throw judgment off, make close decisions harder, gunnery less accurate, encourage errors under stress.
About 35 bombers and torpedo planes struck in a coordinated attack, and were repulsed by accurate gunnery and evasive chemical smoke.
Maybe the seas were too high to let the limeys launch torpedoes or to allow for accurate gunnery, but he didn't want to have to see by experiment.
The Spanish ships returned fire, but the accurate gunnery of the allied ships forced them to seek cover behind Abtao island, and continue the battle with elevation shots.